Thursday, July 25, 2013

Goodbye Old Friend

You will have to forgive me this time as I am not in the frame of mind to produce a quality article.

I've had my dog Maya since the age of 11 making her 17 years old. Despite her age she is a lively and youthful character, always friendly and loving to strangers, and healthy enough to run 3 miles with my girlfriend Brea several times a week.

Maya was profound in that she had very human expressions to the point of communicating her thoughts. I had many dogs growing up and I've never had this type of connection. 

In her final years Maya developed a tumor that slowly started to effect her health. Last night she had a grand maul seizure (with gruesome details I will leave out) causing a tremendous amount of pain.

So, out of love and respect for this wonderful creature, it's time to say goodbye on gentle terms; not in the throws of violent struggle. No living thing should have to bare this type of suffering. And as her companion with the power to judge such things, it is only out of great love for her that I will not allow such pain to continue.

I would like to never say goodbye... but it's time.

Goodnight Maya... I hope your dreams are sweet.

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